Organoleptic features of the Istrian ham
Istrian prosciutto-ham is distinguished by very intensive fermented pork meat smell and aroma and has got a uniform red color, moderate salty taste and favourable consistency.
During dry-salting, owing to the influence of salt and autholitic processes, the prosciutto-ham meat starts to soften up and the procedure of ripening continues along with moderate and uniform moisture loss. Specific taste and aroma of the ripened prosciutto-ham derive from the products of proteolisis i.e., the decomposition of proteins(polypeptides, peptides, ATP and free amino acids).
Lipolitic products have also a particular influence on the aroma, smell and taste, developing from the decomposition of fat i.e., triglicerids, phospholipids and free fatty acids, as well as products of their further decomposition. Very significant is also the fact that moderate quantities of salt and other natural seasoning used in salting, have been particularly responsible for the very specific smell and taste of the Istrian prosciutto-ham.